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My Prayer Book and Order of Blessing by Rev. Fr. Theophilus Itaman Ph.D

One of the richest images and apt descriptions of Christian spirituality is the image of prayer. This term has been vigorously and luxuriantly employed not only in the Sacred Scriptures but also in the documents and writings of the Church. Prayer is primary and central to Christianity. If a religious community is healthy, it is because prayer is celebrated and encouraged, amongst many other Christian virtues. Prayer is contact and connection with God, and this contact and connection are nurtured in constant prayers and Christian living.

The rich understanding of prayer, through the various writings and documents of the Church, recognizes its importance and primordial place in the new evangelization. This recognition leaves several demands on the ecclesial, social and human levels. Therefore, for a person to live out its purpose, its mission and vision, he or she needs to pray and love. This renewal and clarion call to prayer is even more exigent because today, human beings are fiercely attacked from different sides. Just the way Satan wages war against the Church of Christ on earth, so too, he wages war against the human person. These attacks sometimes come in the form of different philosophies and ideologies that are not only anti-love but promoted by contrary voices in the world. The challenges facing the human person make the love and practice of prayer a constant duty and a Christo-moral obligation.

In this age and time of new and compelling challenges of different modes, shapes and sizes, the prayer life of a Christian is confronted with a series of issues, questions, refutations and discussions. Indeed, it may be said that things are fast falling apart. Without proper spiritual nurture and attention, prayer life can be ignored and considered less of a priority of life events.

Little wonder, therefore, that this work, My Prayer Book and Order of Blessing, a compendium of Catholic-Orthodox prayers compiled by a prayerful and veteran educationist, is not only apt and fitting; it is also a contribution to knowledge and spiritual growth. Put differently, one can underscore the fact that vis-à-vis the modern trends and developments, a compilation of some Catholic prayers is, therefore, a call to spiritual reawakening.

In order to have an adequate understanding of the profundity and importance of prayer, there has to be a return to the roots, a going back to the foundation. The author achieves this in this book: My Prayer Book and Order of Blessing, by drawing from the Sacred Scriptures and the magisterial teaching on Prayers.

The Church believes and teaches that Prayer is not the result of a blind evolution of natural forces or the effect of chance; it is rather a product of an internal resolution that is conscious, purposeful and communicative. Consequently, every Christian should seek to develop that kind of personal union with God via prayers. This communion of love and life is indispensable for spiritual growth.

This prayer book in your hand is a compilation of some prayers that seek to offer Christians divine insights to assist them in fulfilling the demands of their vocation. It also provides adequate suggestions for pastoral agents and ministers. In all, it is a simple, brilliant book, a nice compendium of orthodox prayers. In putting them into different chapters, the author sustains interest and a deeper spiritual appreciation. This Prayer Book, put together by Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Theophilus Itaman, pursues the focus of prayer in a special way. Through practical lived experiences and deep spiritual insight, the author brings to the fore how to grow, develop, enliven, vivify and live in prayer. In it, the author seeks to highlight the Christian character of prayer and how the human person can remain prayerful, becoming truly Christian and holy.

The beauty of this particular Prayer book is the simple and precise vision it gives to Prayer. Its simplicity makes the focus of Prayer both ad rem and expedient. This Prayer Book is simple to use, uncomplicated and clear. It is pastoral, scriptural and practical. This Prayer Book undoubtedly will reawaken and reaffirm the importance of prayer, as well as its role and place in the entire mission of Christ and the Church. This Prayer Book is a manual of encouragement for all persons, and it is recommended for all. Truly, I strongly recommend this book to individuals or groups of persons who desire to grow in sincere appreciation and genuine experience of the Divine, in parts or as a whole, for meditation, community worship, spiritual growth, self-development and education. The Christian person will find it supportive and encouraging in his or her journey of life. Pastoral agents will be directly assisted by it in their ministry, and those already spirit-filled as a continuous response to the divine gift and response to authentic Christian life. May this book find a space in our homes, churches, hearts and lives. You are truly blessed if you have a copy of this book. You will become even more blessed if you use it and tell others about it.

Happy Prayer life!

Author: Rev. Fr. Theophilus Itaman Ph.D

Year Published: 2023

This book is not available in e-Book.

Contact Fr. Theo for the Hardcopy

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